Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Barbara Walters

We finally got a look at rookie Mayor Mike’s legs—not bad, I say—when he made his grand entrance on stage at the annual Inner Circle dinner “roast” at the Hilton. Swooping down in a mock private helicopter, Bloomberg appeared in Bermuda shorts and sandals—poking fun at his jet-set weekends spent at his Bermuda digs. It was Mike’s first appearance at the $500-a-plate charity show—called “Thanks a Billion”—in which political reporters and the mayor spoof each other. And Hizzoner got plenty of help from stars of the Broadway smash The Producers, including Tony Award–winner Cady Huffman, who turned up the heat as sexy secretary Ulla—she convinces Bloomberg to spend as much money as it takes to win the mayoral campaign. And Mike displayed his hidden charm as he sang and, yes, danced with leggy showgirls—a tough act to follow after former Mayor Rudy made a splash cross-dressing as Marilyn Monroe and a Rockette at previous Inner Circle shows. But Bloomberg joked that his legs were better than Giuliani’s and scored a standing ovation.

Other good sports in the audience who were roasted by the New York press: Barbara Walters, Cindy Adams, almost–mayor Mark Green, police commish Ray Kelly, and Mike’s gal pal Diana Taylor—who for some reason sat at a different table than the mayor. The Sheet asked Bloomberg if he might consider a second career on stage. His response: “I like what I’m doing and I’ll stick with that.”

Cady Huffman surrounds the Mayor

Backstage with “Baby Bush Girls”

Bloomberg in his Bermuda shorts

Making a grand entrance in private helicopter

Kristi Witker (bottom center) with cast members backstage

With the cast of The Producers

All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
© 2002, Jedell Productions, Inc.
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