Joan Rivers, Blaine Trump

Joan Rivers stole the show at a one-night-only performance at Town Hall to benefit God’s Love We Deliver—not because she plucked a large dildo out of her bag and flung it across the stage—but because in true Rivers style her very presence kept the audience howling with laughter. “I didn’t have my hair and makeup done and come all the way from the Upper East Side for a one-liner,” Rivers cracked as she adlibbed during a staged take-off of the 1937 film-classic Stage Door (with Katherine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers, Lucille Ball, and Eve Arden): “Hello, I’m Eve Harrington. Do you have any accommodations?”

“Screen Door,” presented by Tweed Theatreworks, starred Rivers in bag-lady style as a struggling actress in a seedy Depression-hit New York boarding house, along with the likes of such divas as Lypsinka, Mary Birdsong, Lea DeLaria, Charles Busch, David Drake, Flotilla deBarge, and Varla Jean Merman, not to mention celebs like Sheila MacRae, Wallace Shawn, Andre Gregory, Jackie Hoffman, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch’s Beth Broderick, and walk-on Blaine Trump. The drag queens only wished they looked like Broderick and had her bod!

At the after-party at Jack Rose, The Sheet caught up with Joan Rivers, who tells of her endless recreation of herself: “My mother wore heels, earrings, and makeup right into her coffin, and that’s how I’m going!” When asked about marriage, Rivers quipped, “I wanna marry a gay guy—why not?! Everyone should have someone—what’s the difference?!”

Beth Broderick

Joan Rivers with the cast

Matthew and Cari Modine

All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
© 2002, Jedell Productions, Inc.
Tel: 212-861-7861