Harry Lavin, Frank Gifford

Diehard veterans of “21,” including Frank Gifford, NBC’s Felicia Taylor and Janice Huff, and David and Helen Gurley Brown, showed up to toast the lengthy career of Harry Lavin—who greeted patrons at the legendary eatery’s door for 27 years. Former owner Sheldon Tannen educated Lavin well when he first arrived from rival hot spot Toots Shor: “Brown shoes aren’t let in at any time! And there are a few numbers you better remember. If you hear 34, it’s someone important. Number 77 means under no circumstances are they to get past the door!” Whatever the numbers, “21” remains one of Manhattan’s ultimate hot spots.


All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
© 2002, Jedell Productions, Inc.
Tel: 212-861-7861
E-mail: JJedell@hamptonsheet.com