Toby Schneier, Mona Ackerman, Johnnie Cochran

The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding announced a new campaign—the September 11th National Campaign for Ethnic Tolerance—at a reception at the Fifth Avenue townhouse of Mona Ackerman. For their efforts in build-ing bridges to cement better ethnic relations, Johnnie Cochran, Sanford Rubenstein, and Maurice Kochs (on behalf of PepsiCo) received glass sculpture trophies—half black and half white, meeting in a symbolic bridge. The foundation has enlisted Stevie Wonder to appear in TV commercials for the campaign, in which he plainly states the case: “Unite against racism and hatred—otherwise, the whole world is destined for tragedy.”

Rabbi Marc Schneier and wife Toby

Maurice Kochs, Sanford Rubenstein, Rabbi Marc Schneier, Johnnie Cochran, Darwin Davis

All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
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