The nation’s oldest humane organization, Bide-a-Wee, held an evening of dinner and foot- (and paw-) tapping revelry at the Pierre. The evening’s top dogs were Elaine and Jerry Orbach and WNYW-TV news anchor John Roland, honored for their unending efforts to help companion animals find loving, caring homes. Tables, starting at a healthy $5000, were filled with well wishers and big-hearted donors enjoying the affair. Gala Chair Elizabeth Cooke and Honorary Chair Anouk Aimée were helped along in this year’s planning efforts by packs of supporters on the exclusive “Pet Committees.” Members of this rarified assemblage included such luminaries as Smudge, Sage, and Rosie Berman (pets of Amanda and Lewis Berman), and the always adorable Spanky and Spooky Willard (pets of Fred Willard), to name a very select furry few. The chichi benefit definitely gave Bid-A-Wee something to bow-WOW about.