Glamour Publisher Suzanne Grimes, Diane Alford, Myra Suero-Wade, Del Labs Bill McMenemy, Meredith Blake, Glamour Editor-in-Chief Cynthia Leive

Glamour mag and Sally Hansen cosmetics teamed up for the third year in a row to hand out crystal stars to the humanitarian winners of “The Best of You” write-in contest. A sophisticated, intimate crowd was served a delicate lunch at tables accented by bright centerpieces of roses arranged by Belle Fleur. The highlight of the luncheon, however, was a moving speech given by Cynthia Leive, Glamour Editor-in-Chief. Leive praised the 2003 winners as “heroes,” referencing the female astronauts on the ill-fated shuttle Columbia and women who serve in the armed forces. “A brave woman,” she said with poise to a rapt audience, “means taking risks, facing down fears and never taking ‘no’ for an answer.”

This year’s winners, pictured above, include Mayra Suero-Wade, Diane Alford, Meredith Blake, and Lori Jessup. The winners posed for a photo flanking Bill McMenemy, Executive VP of Marketing for Del Labs, parent company of Sally Hansen cosmetics. Looking on, Sally Hansen’s Bill Boraczek commented that he was pleased the contest “honored the woman on the inside, as well as the outside.” The winners and their stunning stories will appear in a Sally Hansen ad in an upcoming issue of Glamour. As Cynthia Leive declared, “Now, these are the real American idols!”


All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
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