Dr. Samuel Waxman with wife, Marion
Big bucks were raised in support of the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation's second annual "Hamptons Happening," a food-and-wine-tasting event and auction at the Mill, the Southampton home of Dena Weiner and David Rozenholc. Funds raised by the 350-plus guests went toward efforts to augment breast cancer research. The Foundation has awarded over $35 mil for finding new cures and ways for treating the disease that plagues so many. Co-chaired by Laurie Schaffran and Marion Waxman, and organized by Harriette Rose Katz, the event was nothing short of a momentous success. Guests included: Richard and Alison Abend, Randy Abend and Ruth Rozenholc Abend, Marcia Lavipour, Baldoria Chefs Frank and Carla Pellegrino, Sara Lavipour, Jennifer Schoscheim, Jessica Natbony, Ali Ziph, and Shyam Ayengar.
Katherine Tekworth, Sarah Bune, Janet Tekworth, Cecil Cohen
Stacy Mohr, Rachel Lavipour, Katie Landow
Alison Abend, Lauren Gray, Jordan Greiff, Ruth Rozenholc Abend
Photos by Richard Lewin