Ed and Sue Reilly

A who’s who of advertising and big business showed up at the Waldorf for the Ad Council’s Annual Public Service Award Dinner to honor Roger Enrico, Ad Council former chairman and CEO of PepsiCo. The event drew heavyweights like Peggy Conlon (Ad Council prez), Gerald Levin (AOL/Time Warner CEO), Ed Reilly (American Management Association prez), and Allen Rosenshine (CEO of BBDO Worldwide), while honchos from General Electric, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, IBM, J.P. Morgan Chase, Yahoo!, ABC, Fox, and Hearst schmoozed and networked like crazy.

Allen Rosenshine told The Sheet about how September 11 has impacted the advertising business: “This has caused great introspection—we’re now reevaluating our position in the world. We’re making America more salient, and anything that makes America stronger in the world is good for our business.”

Allen Rosenshine

Rosemary and Roger Enrico

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