Enzo Lentini, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, Chef Giuseppi Lentini
Super Chef Giuseppe Lentini and partner/ bro Enzo hosted a meal magnifique in honor of the newest edition to Lentini’s culinary menu: Salmon a la Perricone. Dr. Nicholas Perricone, author of the bestselling The Perricone Prescription and The Wrinkle Cure: Unlock the Power of Cosmeceuticals for Supple, Youthful Skin is the world’s foremost authority advocating diets featuring salmon to maintain a woman’s precious health and beauty. So how did Chef Lentini decide to showcase this curative delicacy? By creating a delectable salmon dish, of course! You could almost hear one diner after another—whether from Second Avenue or Alaska—ordering Chef Giuseppe’s fantastic salmon with fresh lemon. It’s not only delish, it’s great for your health! Top-of-the-top Hollywood stars subscribe to Dr. Perricone’s all-natural program; and he’s been featured in The Hampton Sheet, Elle, Glamour, In Style, Town & Country, Mirabella, and Newsday. Therefore, we suggest you reserve right now, Ladies and Germs (as Uncle Miltie used to say), because the future of skin care is right under your nose at a corner table at the Upper East Side’s delightful Italian hotspot, Lentini.

PR guru David Granoff and Dr. Perricone check out the new addition to the menu


All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved.
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E-mail: JJedell@hamptonsheet.com