Irrational Exuberance
I have decided to start using financial lingo in my everyday relationship conversations.
The term irrational exuberance, if you can believe it, was coined
by Alan Greenspan over 20 years ago in referring to the dot-com
bubble of the '90s. Today, the phrase is used as a warning that a
market might be overvalued. Irrational exuberance can also be
used to describe the dating habits of men in NYC, Silicon Valley,
L.A., and just about everywhere: "He's being irrationally exuberant
if he thinks that twentysomething bombshell is dating him
for his good looks and personality, and not his checkbook."
Or how about cautiously optimistic? Perhaps you're cautiously
optimistic that your friend's summer fling will turn into something more meaningful.
Let's not forget the dirty R-word. You know it: recession. I can think of a ton of ways
it can be used. "I'm not going to date him. His hair looks like it was hit hard by the
recession." Or: "Oh, honey, did you run out of blue pills again? Looks like we're in for
another recession...." Oh wait. Maybe I have my financial terms mixed up. That should
be deflation, right?
And, of course, what about that "too happy to be true" couple we all know and love?
"I'm not going to call their domestic bliss a bubble, but..." Oy, I've already said too much.
Speaking of bubbles, I hate to burst yours by telling you that summer is almost over,
but it is. Time to trade in your summer whites for your fall black-tie attire. And of
course, we will be there covering all the great upcoming fall galas.
Now let's talk about this special 20th anniversary edition of Hampton Sheet. Yes, 20
years ago, I started this magazine, and the others followed! Like they say, imitation is
the sincerest form of flattery.
Prominent international philanthropist Dame Ann Van Ness graces the cover of our
special milestone issue. Ann works tirelessly to improve the quality of life for others
through compassionate philanthropy. She's active around the globe in various charitable,
academic, and community organizations. This past May, Van Ness was awarded the
Grand Cross of Justice, the highest honor given for service by the Sovereign Order of St.
John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller, Malta. Ann Van Ness is the real deal!
Also in this issue we have a Spotlight on Chef John Doherty, executive chef at the
Waldorf from 1985 until 2015, when he opened his own fabulous thriving restaurant,
Black Barn on East 26th Street, in a must-read by Tom O'Connell. Don't miss our
Spotlight on socialite and philanthropist Boo Grace, by Regina Weinreich. Boo speaks
of life then and now, her focus on giving back, and her mission to nurture goodness
and decency over fear.
Jeffry Lyons reviews movies, while Jill Brooke's "Literary Lowdown" gives you the
hot beach reads. And Aubrey Reuben keeps you informed on the Great White Way.
Watch for your own close-up among the swells at one of the many glam parties featured
within these pages, a feast for the senses! And don't be a wallflower when you see
me at these happenings in the Hamptons and NYC. Come say hello, and be camera-ready!
Enjoy The Sheet!