Suzanna Sabet and Bill Dugan with models

Suzanna Sabet’s chic fashion lunch spotlighted the visionary designs of Bill Dugan—who calls himself “New York’s best kept secret.” But it’s no secret why A-listers in the know covet Dugan’s custom-made couture. Bucking the trend of the current fashion vogue, which Dugan sees as minimalist (he was one of Halston’s original protegees), the designer revives the haute glamour of the Grace Kelly and Liza Minnelli era, adding his own personal innovations for each client. No wonder the fashion-divas-who-lunch gave his glam designs “Bravos!”

Lucia Hwong-Gordon, Joy Rosenthal, Caroline Hirsch, Ramona Singer

Ladies in the know!

Suzanna Sabet

All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
© 2002, Jedell Productions, Inc.
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