Donna Karan presented the first annual Stephan Weiss Apple Awards to commemorate the 10th anniversary of her late husband Stephan's passing. The first award was granted to President Bill Clinton for his humanitarian work with the William J. Clinton Foundation, followed by honorees Courtney Sale Ross, founder of the Ross Institute, and Mehmet Oz, host of The Dr. Oz Show.
Sarah Jessica Parker, Trudie Styler, Keith Richards and Patti Hansen, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, Grace Hightower and Robert De Niro, Sandy Gallin, Ross Bleckner, and Uma Thurman were among the crowd of celebs who danced their hearts out in celebration of Weiss's storied life.
The Urban Zen Center, Weiss's former studio, glowed with golden tables, candles, and white orchids. Karan was proud to have her soulmate's artwork displayed throughout the space.
Karan ended the evening on a bittersweet note: "And to Stephan, my great love. I miss you, honey. I know your spirit will continue to live on through everything we do at the Urban Zen Center, a place that is my ongoing love letter to you."