Martha Stewart

The annual Winter Antiques Show was action-packed, literally: New York Times photographer Bill Cunningham accidentally backed into a male bidder while snapping a photo, causing the gentleman to spill his drink on himself. The man lurched the rest of his drink at Bill, cursed him out, and grabbed his camera! Through this ordeal Cunningham kept his signature temperament—polite and non-combative—even as the attacker became more and more irate. Moral: Never stand behind a horse … or a photographer!

And in the throng Martha Stewart eyed antiques with daughter Alexis, who told The Sheet she’s bought the American Fitness gym in Sag Harbor and is renovating it. Other A-listers ogling the goods included Richard Meier, Mercedes Bass, Arie Kopelman, and Iris Love. The event benefited the East Side House Settlement.

Donald and Barbara Tober, Elizabeth Stribling, Guy Robinson

Kathy and Rick Hilton

Betty and Virgill Sherrill, Betsy McCaughey

John Richardson, Mercedes Bass, Richard Meier

Mildred Brinn

All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
© 2002, Jedell Productions, Inc.
Tel: 212-861-7861