Matt and Annette Lauer

If you were scouring for a last-minute ticket to this year’s ASPCA Bergh Ball, you were barking up the wrong tree. The sellout animal-loving throng at the Plaza ballroom included Annette and Matt Lauer, Bernadette Peters, Chuck Scarborough, Betsy McCaughey, Cindy Adams, Jonathan Farkas and Somers White, and some guests masquerading in costume as their pets! Chuck Scarborough said of his adopted dog Oliver and cat Stanley, “I don’t treat my pets like children—I treat them better!”

The Sheet also chatted with the Lauers, who were only too happy to talk about their own favorite new bundle of joy—son Jack. “He’s a masterpiece,” gushed Annette. “When he’s grumpy he looks like me, but all other times he’s cute and looks adorably like Matt.” Dad returned the compliment: “She’s the best mom in the world. Every day she wakes up so happy she thinks it’s her birthday!” The totally telegenic couple were clearly enjoying flirting with each other. Annette giggled that she had imbibed “a couple of vodkas —straight up!” While Matt was celebrating “the end of the week—the pressure is off!” They weren’t the only ones having a good time—one guest shelled out $10,000 at the gala’s auction for their pet’s photo session with famed doggy photog Ralph Gibson.

Howard and Lynette Gittis

Bernadette Peters and Michael Wittenberg

Marianna and George Kaufman

Dan Wassong, Susan Petree

Betsy McCaughey, Denise Wohl, Kitty, Paola Bacchini, Jeff Furman

Mary Tyler Moore and Dr. Robert Levine, Sale Johnson

Fred Drasner, Lora Weynands

All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
© 2002, Jedell Productions, Inc.
Tel: 212-861-7861