Don Trump, Jr., with wife, Vanessa; Andrew Cuomo

Federal fundraising was in full swing at Cipriani 23rd Street for the 2nd Annual Go Public event, benefiting the Partnership for Public Service, an organization dedicated to modernizing our government and encouraging the younger generation to get involved.

Attorney General hopeful Andrew Cuomo was the evening's guest speaker and an honorary co-chair. He was joined by Co-chairs Kim and Larry Heyman, Elenor and Rodney Propp, Jennifer and David Millstone, and Elizabeth and David Winter.

In the campaigning mix: Max Stier, Samuel and Veronica Heyman, Vanessa and Don Trump Jr., Doug and Dina Propp, Alexander and Bara Tisch, Ronnie Heyman, Jessica and Lacey Tisch, Samantha Gregory, David Bernstein, Giancarlo Valerio, Shauna Brook, Keri Millstein, Carrie Gross, and Richie Jackson.

The night was a fiscal and social success!


All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
© 2006, Jedell Productions, Inc.
Tel: 212-861-7861