John Varvatos

The John Varvatos store in East Hampton opened its doors to record numbers over Memorial Day Weekend, beating out the New York location in sales. To celebrate his sixth store, Varvatos and wife Joyce invited friends and shoppers including Jesse Della Femina, Horacio Silva, James LaForce, Lucy Sykes and Euan Rellie, and Trey Lair.

Alicia Carbone, Nicola McKinney, Jake Crout, John McKinney

Lucy Sykes and Euan Rellie

Andrew Saffir and Daniel Benedict, Johannes Huebl, Cristina Greeven-Cuomo

Kristian Laliberte, Chau Ngo, Paul Johnson-Calderon

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All photography by Joan Jedell unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
© 2007, Jedell Productions, Inc.
Tel: 212-861-7861